Monday, 20 March 2017

Evaluation - Q4 (Anna McConnell)

Question 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

Here is a podcast whereby I interviewed Liam Gavin, the typical audience member of our thriller, for his thoughts on our opening.

Image result for 15 rating

Considering that Liam is 17 years old, the 15 rating for our film is ideal. Due to the themes of abuse and alcoholism, this rating is ideal as the sensitive topics expressed may be difficult for a younger audience to comprehend and may, in fact, be too distressing.

Image result for orphanThe film we took influence from, Orphan (Collet-Serra, 2009) has also been given the rating 15 due to intense scenes, profanity and violence. This helped us in our research into our target audience as our thriller would run upon similar themes and, considering most of our group had seen or heard about this particular film, we recognized that it was ideal to lower the rating from an 18 to make it accessible for a person of our age group.

We interviewed our peers and showed them the opening of 'The Bourne Ultimatum' and 'Se7en' in order for us to gain insight into what thriller conventions people recognise most from the opening of a thriller. This information could be carried over to our own opinion. 

We then showed the first cut of our opening to 3 of our other peers in order to get their criticisms.

Referring back to our Survey Monkey we were enabled to work out the rating we should place our thriller as. A 15 was the most suitable choice

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