Sunday, 19 March 2017

Evaluation - Q2 (Megan Marsh)

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Representation of a 'child'


As you can see the costume worn here is a more modern and contemporary look than other possible clothing choices such as the images from the actress playing the orphan below. Unlike her costume, the actress in Pyro showcases a common look for teens in 2016/17, this costume has been used in order to allow the audience to think it was realistic.

Comparing the costume of the actor in PYRO to the actress in ORPHAN you can see significant differences this is due to the fact that the character in orphan has come from Russia and therefore has been brought up differently this has been showcased thought the costume as well as certain mannerism. I also believe the costumes that the orphan wears creates suspense for the audience due to the fact that she looks like a Russian doll which the audience is then lead to believe is creepy.


  • Both characters in my oppion have the same psychotic characteristics due to the fact that they are both arsonists this can be demonstraighted in the snips below as both characters are playing with fire with the intention to be destructive and harm others.


  • A second similarity that I believe both characters possess is that there gender is not represented in a stereotypical way. I believe this is the case due to the fact that the women are more dominant than the men, this is showcased through there aggressions and anger shown towards others.

                                            Representation of a male 

                                                       Target Audience

I believe that the media product we have produced does attract our target audience due to the fact that it is gripping and thought provoking as the opening 2 minutes allow the audience to get an idea as to what is going on in the life of the main character. This is one of the key reasons for rating our film a 15 due to;

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