Within the context of media production, not only are the health and safety aspects essential, but there are additional codes of practice which should be acknowledged. Permissions need to be gained from relevant parties such as the Police or local authorities if you are shooting in public places, and equipment must be used correctly in accordance with guidelines and maintained properly.
You must ensure that there is satisfactory fire fighting equipment in offices and on shoot sites and that cast and crew are briefed on emergency procedures. A safe area should be nominated as a meeting point in the case of fire.
Night Shoots
If you need to shoot at night, make sure that additional time is scheduled for people to rest and supply food. If people are tired then they are more likely to make mistakes or lose concentration so ensure there is sufficient light in which to work and that if you are working near water, roads or railway tracks that additional safety precautions are taken.
Working with children is an especially difficult area. Special consideration must be taken into account when working with children and there are strict guidelines which must be adhered to.
It may be necessary in the workplace or on a shoot for someone to climb or be lifted to a certain height. This can be very hazardous and requires the implementation of strict health and safety precautions.
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